When is gum surgery recommended?

If you have been diagnosed with advanced periodontal disease, gum surgery might be necessary to improve your oral health. Periodontal disease is a serious threat to your wellbeing. When left untreated, this condition can cause bone and tooth loss along with a host of other health complications. A periodontist may perform gum surgery to encourage regeneration of tissue, remove bacteria and debris, and reverse some of the damage caused by advanced gum disease.

What does gum surgery entail?

Gum surgery can entail the removal of pockets of bacteria and diseased tissue. It can also involve placing tissue-stimulating proteins and grafts to encourage regeneration of the gums and bone. Although advanced gum disease is not totally reversible, gum surgery can significantly improve a patient’s oral health and thwart progression of the disease.

Will I be comfortable during gum surgery?

When performing gum surgeries, our practice takes every measure possible to ensure our patients’ comfort. We might prescribe pain relieving and sedating medications to prevent discomfort. If medication is prescribed, our patients will need to arrange for transportation to and from their procedures because these prescriptions impair motor function.

How do I know if I have advanced periodontal disease?

Dentists look for signs of gum disease during checkups and cleanings. Common symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Gingiva that appears swollen and feels tender
  • Discoloration of the gingiva, such as bright and purple gums
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath

If your dentist finds signs of advanced gum disease, he or she may refer you to a specialist. A periodontist is a dentist with advanced training and education to treat gum disease and other conditions that affect the gingiva.

Periodontics is one of nine dental specialties. Treating gum disease now can help prevent irreversible damage to your oral health. Our practice specializes in managing gum disease with the latest technology and advanced treatment protocols.

We are accepting new patients. If your dentist has recommended that you see a specialist, call BC Perio to schedule an appointment.

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