Dental Implants: What will happen without treatment?

When faced with missing teeth, some people feel it’s not necessary to replace them, especially if they’ve only lost one or two. However, even one missing tooth can lead to major changes in your mouth and side effects that can be severe. Dental implants can replace even a single missing tooth, preventing these long-term problems.… Continue reading Dental Implants: What will happen without treatment?

Do Dental Implants Interfere with Jawbone Growth?

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Is Anesthesia Required For Implant Surgery?

The procedure for placing dental implants is a fairly major surgery. In order to ensure that you are comfortable throughout, your implant surgeon will use a form of anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used will be decided between you and the surgeon. The procedure does not necessarily require general anesthesia. Types of Anesthesia Used for… Continue reading Is Anesthesia Required For Implant Surgery?

What Materials Are Dental Implants Made Out Of?

Dental implants are one of the longest lasting and most popular treatments for missing teeth. Implants provide the advantage of bonding with your jawbone as well as being permanent and stationary in your mouth. Part of what makes implants such a good choice for tooth replacement is the materials they’re made from—titanium and porcelain. The… Continue reading What Materials Are Dental Implants Made Out Of?

Why Choose a Periodontist for Dental Implant Placement?

If you are missing teeth, you have several options for replacing those teeth to restore your perfect smile. One of these options is dental implants. When choosing a doctor for your implant procedure, it is important to find someone who understands how implants interact with existing gum and bone tissues. For this reason, a periodontist… Continue reading Why Choose a Periodontist for Dental Implant Placement?

How Do I Know if I am a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are becoming more and more the treatment of choice for patients with missing teeth. Implants provide numerous advantages over dentures or bridges. They provide a full replacement tooth, including a replacement root, and look just like your natural teeth. They also help maintain the long-term health of your jawbone. If you are missing… Continue reading How Do I Know if I am a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental Implants: Never use denture adhesive again

Dentures are a cost effective means of replacing lost teeth, but they often require the regular application of denture adhesives in order to provide stability while wearing. Like most fixatives, dental adhesives require to be reapplied at intervals in order to maintain their effectiveness; however, some tasks are beyond even the strongest of dental adhesives… Continue reading Dental Implants: Never use denture adhesive again

History of Dental Implants

The practice of using dental implants to support crowns, bridges and dentures as well as restore tooth loss, has been an exciting development in the world of dentistry. From the very crude blade style implant to the highly successful implementation of titanium used today, dental implants have become the accepted treatment to provide patients that… Continue reading History of Dental Implants

When can I return to work after implant surgery?

As is the case with any surgery, planning for dental implant placement also entails preparations for what to do after the surgery. For many patients, that may involve requesting time off from work, and patients in that situation want to know what to expect. The surgery involved with dental implants has been fine-tuned over the… Continue reading When can I return to work after implant surgery?

Do dental implants mimic the natural tooth structure?

Although a tooth’s crown is the only part that can be seen, the entire structure contains other elements, including roots. When a tooth is extracted following an injury or cannot be saved from advanced decay, both the crown and the root are lost. Ideally, patients should choose a tooth replacement that replicates the entire tooth’s… Continue reading Do dental implants mimic the natural tooth structure?

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