Am I a candidate for dental implants?

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Implant dentistry provides tooth replacements that offer the best technology available to replicate the form and function of biological teeth.

Understandably, Highland Park patients are increasingly turning to dental implants to replace a missing tooth or even multiple missing teeth. Implants can fill in a gap left behind by a single tooth or hold an entire arch of artificial teeth in place for edentulous patients.

Before proceeding with this treatment, however, you should consult with your dentist to be sure that you are an appropriate candidate. Dental implants, which are made of biocompatible titanium, are so durable because they fuse with the bone over time. Additionally, this process helps to stabilize the underlying jaw bone, which can erode in the absence of a missing tooth’s root.

However, a sufficient amount of bone must be present to support the implants’ integration or else the devices face an increased risk of failure. The jaw bone resorption that accompanies a lost tooth has the potential to compromise implant stability.

Two factors associated with bone loss can influence the implant’s likelihood of success: time and placement. If the tooth has been missing for many years, even if a bridge has been placed as a replacement, there may be significant bone loss in the vicinity. Additionally, bone recedes more quickly toward the rear of the mouth, so if the molars are targeted for replacement, this physiological feature may present a concern.

Fortunately, modern implant technology allows nearly all patients who desire dental implants to have them placed. Dentists can choose implant sites that maximize available bone. In cases where bone loss is too substantial to support implants, a bone graft or sinus augmentation can provide supplemental implant-sustaining material. Of course, in such cases, patients must be prepared for treatment timelines extended by the need to heal from the original surgery.

If you’re considering dental implants, contact the office of Dr. Brad Crump at 214-443-0876 to see what steps will be necessary to increase your chances of success.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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